Friday, August 28, 2009

A Visit from Bon and Izzabelle and Ethan and Grandma

My sister Bon, and her kids Izzabelle and Ethan and my Mom came and visited us for a few days. We went to the Vining Watermelon Day parade. The weather wasn't all that great when they were here, but we still found lots to do. Connor loved playing with Izz and E.
My Mom with Izz, Bon, and E at the parade
Connor with Grandpa Wicklund and Dad at the paradeConnor pestering Izzabelle by sitting on her lap.We went fishing one day. Here they are all looking in the water at the fish.

Bon all excited about the fish she caught. Connor's not too thrilled.
Mark with a nice sunny.
Connor and Izzabelle feeding grass to the baby calves.
We went and visited the neighbors dairy farm one day.

The three amigos all intent in watching Connor's favorite movie:
Baby Einstein Old Macdonald Farm. Connor calls it "The Cow Movie"
Playing in the sandbox. It was cold and windy that one day that we had to dig out the winter hats.


Auntie Crystal said...

3 munchkins they are. Looks like they had quite a fun time at your house. Fishing, feeding calves and playing - what more could you ask for :) Wish I was there.

Auntie Crystal

Auntie Crystal said...

The 3 munchkins they are!! Man, looks like they had a good time. Fishing, feeding calves, and playing. What more could you ask for. Wish I was there :)

Auntie Crystal