Monday, April 13, 2009

Our visit to Goodhue

I'm little behind, but again working on catching up. A few weeks ago, Mark went to California for work. Connor and I dropped him off at the airport on a Saturday and from there we went and stayed with my sister,Mel, and hung out with my sister, Bon and her husband, Joe and kids Izzabelle and Ethan until the following Wednesday when we picked Mark up at the airport. We went to the park on Saturday, swimming on Sunday, shopping and visiting our Aunt & Uncle on Monday, to an indoor park and to the Mall of America on Tuesday, and then to the airport to pick up Mark on Wednesday. Busy beavers we were. Connor had lots of fun playing with Izzabelle and Ethan. We colored Easter eggs, made spring flower necklaces, and did lots of playing. Check out my slideshow of pictures and the video of Izzabelle pushing Connor on the scooter.

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