Monday, April 27, 2009

Connor broke his leg

There was one tragedy while we were at Grandpa and Grandma Bass'....Connor broke his leg! He was crawling down the stairs on his belly last Monday morning and missed the last step. He turned to stand up and slipped and twisted and fell. My Mom and I took him in to Urgent Care just thinking it was going to be a sprained ankle or knee and the x-rays showed a broken leg! He has a cast from his toes, past his knee to his thigh. Will have that on til the end of May. He is back to crawling again. He gets around with his cast but has a hard time pulling himself up and standing. Poor kid. I've never had a broken bone ever and here he brakes a leg before he is even 2! Since my camera is out of commission...sorry, no pictures of Connor in his cast. Will post some when I get it up and running again. Hopefully this month flies by fast and everything heals up good. Then he can get back to running and playing outside again.


Canoearoo said...

oh NO! I'm praying for him!

Angie said...

Poor Connor!! At least his cast will be off before swimming season starts... How are baths going? And bummer about your camera--hope it's fixed soon!! Take care!