Monday, April 27, 2009
Connor broke his leg
There was one tragedy while we were at Grandpa and Grandma Bass'....Connor broke his leg! He was crawling down the stairs on his belly last Monday morning and missed the last step. He turned to stand up and slipped and twisted and fell. My Mom and I took him in to Urgent Care just thinking it was going to be a sprained ankle or knee and the x-rays showed a broken leg! He has a cast from his toes, past his knee to his thigh. Will have that on til the end of May. He is back to crawling again. He gets around with his cast but has a hard time pulling himself up and standing. Poor kid. I've never had a broken bone ever and here he brakes a leg before he is even 2! Since my camera is out of commission...sorry, no pictures of Connor in his cast. Will post some when I get it up and running again. Hopefully this month flies by fast and everything heals up good. Then he can get back to running and playing outside again.
Grandpa & Grandma Bass'
Last week, Connor and I spent a few days at my Mom and Dad's. My sister, Mel, had spring break and was there for the week, so my sister Bon and her two kids and Connor and I all came and spent a few days. Check out our pictures below. I forgot my extra camera battery and charger at their house and my camera is now dead. I was able to transfer some of the pictures, but not all of them. Will have to get the rest on here when it's back working again.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Helping Dad unload wood
The other day, Mark took Connor outside after supper so that I could get the dishes done, etc. After I was finished, I went outside to see what they were up to. Mark had him in the trailer helping unload some firewood! He's says, "Just as well start him early." I guess. He likes to help me vacuum the house too. Maybe someday he'll take over that job for me too. :)

Visit to the dairy farm
On Wednesday afternoon, Connor and I went visiting the neighbors. We went over to Mickelson's at end of our driveway who have a dairy farm. We visited with Mickey and Shirley and then went out with Jasson to see the cows. They had some new kittens right by the front door. Connor was all into the baby kitties (even though I don't care for cats much). He likes to go to the farm. Maybe once it gets nice out, we will have to make it over there once a week to check on the animals.

Cathy the calf eyeing Connor but he has his eye on the cat coming around the calf hut. Checking out the two calves that were just born the day before.
The loons are back
The other day when we came home there were two loons in the pond along the driveway. We heard them fly over the house the day before, so we knew there were some around. Seeing the loons means summer is on the way! Yippee! But then I also had a couple mosquitos buzzing in the house today. UGH! We could do without the mosquitos for a couple months yet.

Ridin' 4-wheeler
The other day we finally brought Connor's 4-wheeler outside for the first time. The mud has finally all dried up. He did pretty good, except he needs to work on his steering. He only rode it for a little bit and then he was ready to get off and just walk/run around the yard. He loves to walk around outside.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Easter Morning
Connor finding his Easter basket inside his oven after church on Easter Sunday.
Liking his new book
Checking out his new Baby V.Smile game
Connor posing with cousin Ali

Easter Egg Hunt
This past Saturday, we took Connor to the Easter Egg hunt in Wadena. The Chamber of Commerce puts it together and they set out 14,000!! eggs for the kids. There are three different age groups so all the kids are able to pick up eggs. We got there ten minutes early because we didn't want to be late, as it is over in a matter of seconds. The hard part was trying to keep Connor from going after the eggs before we could start.

Grandpa Wicklund's Birthday
Last Friday was Mark's Dad, Myron's, birthday. We took him out for supper and later had birthday cake at his house. Mark's brother, Adam, and wife, Becky, and daughter, Ali, also came up for his birthday and the weekend.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Ali and Connor with Grandpa Wicklund

Connor chillin' with Grandpa on a Sunday afternoon.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Our visit to Goodhue
I'm little behind, but again working on catching up. A few weeks ago, Mark went to California for work. Connor and I dropped him off at the airport on a Saturday and from there we went and stayed with my sister,Mel, and hung out with my sister, Bon and her husband, Joe and kids Izzabelle and Ethan until the following Wednesday when we picked Mark up at the airport. We went to the park on Saturday, swimming on Sunday, shopping and visiting our Aunt & Uncle on Monday, to an indoor park and to the Mall of America on Tuesday, and then to the airport to pick up Mark on Wednesday. Busy beavers we were. Connor had lots of fun playing with Izzabelle and Ethan. We colored Easter eggs, made spring flower necklaces, and did lots of playing. Check out my slideshow of pictures and the video of Izzabelle pushing Connor on the scooter.
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