Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Odds N Ends

Connor just getting up from his nap thinking he can fit in this little basket

Checking out Great Grandma Bass' flower garden
Smelling the flowers
Grandpa Bass pulling Connor on his tricycle
Grandpa giving Connor a ride on his tricycle
He found this funny hat one day in the closet
He thought it was cool :)
and wore it for about an hour while playing....until I took it off after realizing his head was all sweaty underneath it.
Walking thru the sweetcorn in our garden - a daily ritual when we check out the garden each morning....when we are home.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vacation at the lake

The week after the 4th of July, we spent on vacation at a resort in Osakis with the Bass relatives.
Connor with his Bass cousins: Izzabelle and Ethan.
Grandpa Bass gave them suckers while we unpacked.
Connor playing in the sand with cousins: Trevor, Tyson, Lily and IzzabelleA sunset ride in the paddleboatConnor and Mom with Trevor and Tyson Connor checking out the dock
We went visiting a petting zoo farm one of the days.
There were goats
and potbelly pigs and other animals
Grandpa Bass and Connor sharing some oranges
Aunt Mel giving Connor and Izzabelle pushes on the swing
Miss Izzabelle celebrated her 2nd birthday while on vacationIzz with her #2 cake
Connor helping Izzabelle open her presents
Connor waiting to go for a boat ride
Mark, my sisters: Bon and Mel, and Izzabelle and Connor.
I hopped in too and Mark took us for a boat ride.Connor driving Dad's boat
Bon and Izzabelle
Izzabelle and Grandma Bass roasting marshmallows.
On the last day, there was a circus in town. My Mom, Mel, and I took Connor to the circus. Here he is sneaking a bite of Grandma's cotton candy.
My cousin, Stacy, reading Connor a book before bedtime. And the family picture on the day we were leaving. We need to remember to take this earlier in the week when everyone is still there. We were missing a few: my Dad's brother Roger and his family and Bon and her kids.

Okabena 4th of July

We took in the festivities in Okabena on the 4th of July.

Connor excited for the parade to be coming. Helping Grandpa Bass sweep pennies in the penny pitch stand.

My sister, Mel, and niece, Izzabelle trying out the fishpond.
Connor and Dad watching the fireworks.

Busy, busy

Aahhh yes, I'm back to my blog finally. We've been busy on the go too much lately. I'll try to summarize and throw in a few pictures along the way:

Our 4th anniversary. We were up to Mark's Dad's that weekend and he picked us up an ice cream cake. Where have those 4 years gone already? Connor with his cousins, Ali and Kari

All of the Wicklund grandkids: Ali, Kari, Connor, Amanda, Megan, and John Checking out the fire truck at the parade in Urbank
Connor showing Grandpa Wicklund all his candy loot from the paradeGrandpa Wicklund, Connor, and cousin John Connor posing on our front steps