Sad news to post. Mark's Mom, Shirley, passed away today....well since I'm posting this at about 2:00AM on was actually Friday afternoon then. Shock to us all. She hadn't been sick. She did have some issues with her heart, but nothing lately. We went and stayed last weekend at Mark's parents house all weekend for deer hunting and she seemed to be her same self. This past Wednesday morning she collapsed at home. Mark's Dad was there and called 911 and the ambulance came and brought her to the Wadena hospital. She was only there a few minutes and they transferred her to the hospital in St Cloud. This is where we have been the past several days since Wednesday. She passed away on Friday about 5pm. We are home now, but will have lots going on in the next few days. I was going thru my photos quick yet tonight and putting some together on a CD to get printed. Here are a few recent (within the past year) ones that I found. She was loved dearly and will be greatly missed.
Shirley with Connor in the hospital

Mark, his Mom, his Grandma, and Connor

Mark and I and Connor with Mark's parents

At Connor's baptism

Shirley's birthday
Connor and Grandma

Connor and Grandma in their new house that was still being built
Connor and I went to the State Fair with Mark's folks in August.
We had a fun day.